My Word of the Year and 3 Guidelines I'm Following This Year

I’ve never really been the type of person to set intentions or visions or mindsets for the year. I usually set a couple New Year’s resolutions, call it a day, and then forget about them by mid-March. But after being in a rut for the past couple of years, feeling pretty lost and uncertain about what I want and how to get there, and - yes, let’s face it - getting caught up in the world of self-help and personal development literature, I thought I’d give it a try this year.

[Remember, you don’t have to wait till the beginning of a year, month, week, or even day to set a goal or make a change. The only “perfect” time is now.]

During this extra intense self-reflection mode I’ve been in the past two years, I’ve thought a lot about areas of improvement that could maybe help me get past that “stuck” feeling. I’m sure it won’t be permanent. I think it’s natural to oscillate through periods of growth and motivation, confusion and stagnation, and everything in between and beyond.

When I came across the idea of having a “word of the year,” I thought this word could act as a reminder to sustain the highs and disrupt the lows. For me, I felt the word that would best serve this purpose this year was DECISIVE. I chose this word to encourage me to take a leap forward whenever I’ve become so comfortable with a plateau that I’m uncomfortable, restless, and seeking more (usually not knowing what “more” entails). Perennially indecisive, sometimes I need that extra push to just make the next move. I’m hoping that my word of the year will be that push.

I also wanted to set some larger guidelines that could drive my decisions and actions this year. Each one of these is tied into the larger “why” - a reminder that these intentions or guidelines lead me one step closer to living a life that I’ve designed for myself, a life that grows and changes with me.

  1. I will step out of my comfort zone and take risks. Growth is uncomfortable, and pursuing your dreams requires hard work, new experiences, and persistence amidst feelings of “failure.” This discomfort I may feel now will plant the seeds to success in the future.

  2. I will seek balance and discipline to create the life I want to live. I will prioritize tasks and activities that make me feel energized, set aside time to rest and recharge, and develop a routine that allows me to use my time efficiently without burning out.

  3. I will grow comfortable with the unknown and let go of control. I will focus on planning for what I can and taking in stride what I cannot. I will develop little habits each day that add up (journaling, opting for a healthier snack, stretching, etc.).

I tried to keep them to three so that they’re manageable for me, but if you’re doing this exercise with me, feel free to set fewer or more guidelines that align with your focus.

I’d love to hear what you’ve thought about for this year and why these words or guidelines are meaningful to you! If you feel comfortable, share in the comments below, email me, or DM me.

P.S. If there’s anything I can do to make these posts or even the website more accessible, please leave your feedback below or email/DM me. Inclusivity is super important to me, so I’d love to make any adjustments to ensure this content can be accessed by all!


2022 Mid-Year Goals Check-In


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