
Hi there and thanks for stopping by!

I’m Brinda, a 26-year-old gal born and raised in the beautiful Bay Area, California.

Twenties by Design is the name of my blog - but really it’s a community I want to build with all of you. This is a safe space for us to talk about what’s going on in our lives - the ups and downs of navigating life as twenty-somethings and beyond.

As a daughter, friend, teammate, and colleague, my biggest goal has always been ensuring that those around me feel comfortable talking to me about anything. My hope with this space is that we’re able to normalize the struggles we all go through, realize that all feelings are valid, and remember there’s always someone who cares and wants to help.

This is a judgment free-zone to dig deep and also have fun. Let’s be there for each other, spread the love and positivity, and have some great conversations.

I’m looking forward to getting to know and talk to you!

P.S. Find @twentiesbydesign on Instagram for more content, connection, and other fun things :)